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Friday, October 21, 2016

#6 ~ Roblox Under DDoS Attack?


Um hi sorry I haven't been posting for a while....

I wanted to post today because why not. Also, there seems to be an issue with Roblox at the moment and I wanted to chat with you guys about it.

PAST: My PT (Parent/Teacher) Conference
PRESENT: Roblox not Working and my ear hurts
FUTURE: Roblox Working...?????

Okay so. This morning I was playing RHS on Roblox. Eventually a message in-game popped up, saying, "It seems Roblox has an issue loading items. Please be patient."

Well, everyone else on the server seemed to be fine. A few minutes later, another message popped up saying, "Roblox has fixed the issue. Thank you for being patient! You may need to rejoin the server if you experienced loading problems."

Luckily, someone sent me a friend request. I left the game, thinking that I would rejoin and continue my roleplay. But roblox took forever, saying, "Loading" or "'Logging in". When I tried the site, it came up with "www.roblox.com's server DNS address could not be found."

I looked up what was happening to Roblox, and some people think that it has to do with a DDoS attack that stopped social medias such as Twitter and Reddit today.

A DDoS is a Distributed Denial of Service, a type of DOS attack.

But, the DDoS attack was supposedly only on the east coast of the US, as said by multiple articles on the attack. But, I'm experiencing problems with Reddit and Roblox, and I live in the West!

So, what's happening? Has the DDoS spread to the rest of America, or the world? Or is this just a big joke, just a dream? What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments below!

EDIT: The DDoS spread almost completely worldwide - minus a few countries and obviously a continent. Roblox and a few other sites are back up now.


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

#5 ~ Boredom

Heyyyyy wassup of course 'tis me the crazy deer centaur Dov of the US of A

Yay.. a new day, a new boring post..... *que sarcastic applause*

PAST: Yesterday
FUTURE: Mile Run on an E.D. day ;-;


I usually love E.D's, but not when we have the freaking mile run that very day!!!!!!




Today in PE we had to jog for six minutes to "prepare for the mile run" ;-;

Then we were going to play big base until our PE teacher said "nah son let's play regular kickball"

And then at recess we were playing tag and I hurt my poor ankle

And then at math I had to help uncooperative peeps *cough cough*she knows who she is*cough cough* with her math

And she licked her paper

And then  school let out

And then my mom refused to look up Check Meowt

And then she wouldn't let me have a bowl of cereal

And then I logged into my computer

And then I wrote this post

And then I couldn't think of anything else to write

And then I read over my post

And then I published it

And then I commented a real smart comment

And then I kms



Monday, October 10, 2016

#4 ~ Nighty-Night - 1

*Yawn* It's currently 9:45, I have school tomorrow, what am I still doing up *Yawwwwnnnn*


dont judge meh

Sleep tight,
Dont let the bed-bugs bite



#3 ~ Rude People

Heyyyyy it's Dovodv apparently

Sooo hello how are you well I'm just peachy. Not really.

PAST: Uhmmm school got out an hour ago
PRESENT: I'm a tad bit of a crabapple
FUTURE: I'll be reporting people *cough cough* @crystal_claw *cough cough* if they keep being rude to me

Soooooooooooo. On to why I'm a crabapple (I say crabapple because it fits my personally and it's funnier than crabby). So, a certain someone I mentioned before *cough cough* @crystal_claw *cough cough* on Scratch was a tad rude. Here's the story:

So, I go on an "Open MAPs" studio, right? I scroll through some of the comments, y'know, and come across an interesting one from @Im_made_of_love. They say: "can I be a curator?"

Well, the owner, @crystal_claw, says: "Why? If I can have a good reason then yes."

@Im_made_of_love: "I luv maps" (they said more but I'm just keeping it general)
@crystal_claw: "sry but no only i can be curator"
Me: "yet @flower519 is also a manager?"
@crystal_claw: "she's my sister besides your not in this so butt off"
I reply with: "wow, rude much. I didn't know, geez. no need to talk to me like that."

I then, becoming a bit of a crabapple, go to the "Projects" tab to remove my MAP from the studio, when I see it isn't in there. I check the "Activities" tab, and, sure enough, @crystal_claw has deleted it. Now I'm really, really angry! I make another reply to @crystal_claw's rude comment, this time being sarcastic: "WOW. thanks for removing my map, geez."

So um yeah they haven't replied yet, but, if they come at me with another rude comment I'll be doing some reporting, cough cough wink wink.

OH ALSO! Speaking of my MAP, you can go to the "Scratch Stuff" section, or, search up my username, @dov3lyn! It's currently open and I already have a few people doing some parts! Yay!


Sunday, October 9, 2016

#2 ~ I Hate School

Hey hey, it's Dov!

"What is up everybody" sorry I watch Cpt Ragetastic too much x.x

Anyways News of the past, present, and future:

PAST: Yesterday was my 12th birthday ^-^
PRESENT: I'm writing this post..

FUTURE: Tomorrow's Monday kms

I hate.. SORRY "STRONGLY DISLIKE" school ;-;


"Dont tell yourself that!" -Mom

Oh yeah I found the most hilarious picture ever, if you've watched Zootopia and you know about Sonic the Hedgehog, you'll get it

So here it is
So it's Tails and Cream as Nick and Judy ;u;

so beautiful


aight laterz


#1 ~ New Beginnings

Hey hey! I'm Dov.

So um hi! I've made a bunch of blogs in the past and um yeah!

So yeah, I write about my life on a virtual blog that will never get lost or destroyed... that is, unless I end up forgetting about it. :P

So! Ummmmm yeah I'm gonna go now! If you found me through my Scratch, good for you! It's me, @dov3lyn! SOOOOO yeah bye
